Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı Onaylı

Sertifikalı Hizmet


Kağıt Hurda

Hello, Walter. You're never gonna pay 'em off, what's the point? The only thing left to do now is leave town, you understand?  I need your full attention, Saul. Jesse Pinkman current whereabouts.

Plastik Hurda

Hello, Walter. You're never gonna pay 'em off, what's the point? The only thing left to do now is leave town, you understand?  I need your full attention, Saul. Jesse Pinkman current whereabouts.

Metal Hurda

No, you're just speaking for me! Like I ain't got the goddamn sense to speak for myself! Is that it? Is that what you're doing? Heisenberg says, 'Relax'! What's your name? Have a seat, Heisenberg. What

Temiz Çevre

Pet, plastik, kağıt (beyaz, oluklu, karışık), teneke, naylon, her nevi demir ve maden geri dönüşümü hizmetleri sunuyoruz.

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